"Magic Box" Line
30 years ago I accidentally started producing firelighters. After 30 years, it is “not by accident” that on the occasion of the company’s anniversary, I am presenting a new TOP 10 product line – MAGIC BOX. This is a groundbreaking collection because:
- a product manufactured by Beyster called HB-WAX, based on plant raw materials, was used to soak the products.
- the form has been simplified for better application
- production is powered by ecological energy sources – these activities allowed energy savings of about 30%
- we offer unified packaging, the weight of the products in the packaging is unified (between 400 and 500 g). This form of packaging offers advantages over traditional forms by 30% – the packaging is cheaper
- the products are characterized by greater effectiveness and flexibility (which we adjust to the needs), quick fire initiation, i.e. they have the characteristics of a 30-year-old modern, dynamic young man.
The number 30 is the main feature apart from the originality of the products.