Brown firestarter - matches
Matches 12 pieces
We also offer firestarter in the form of traditional matches. Its advantage is that we no longer need an additional source of fire to use it. We have everything with us. Its composition is also very simple, as it is a porous fiberboard saturated with waxes of plant origin. We put some mass on each match-head and stick an ignition belt on the box.
We offer it in various forms and sizes. The form of packaging and logistics must be agreed individually. Please contact our sales representative.

Matches 6 pieces
We also offer firestarter in the form of traditional matches. Its advantage is that we no longer need an additional source of fire to use it. We have everything with us. Its composition is also very simple, as it is a porous fiberboard saturated with waxes of plant origin. We put some mass on each match-head and stick an ignition belt on the box.
We offer it in various forms and sizes. The form of packaging and logistics must be agreed individually. Please contact our sales representative.